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Grading policy in 207.  Students are graded on both their academic performance and on their effort.  They are not graded using grade level expectations.  Homework accounts for 10% of their grade.

A - 90-100%

B - 80-89%

C - 70-79%

D - 60-69%

F - 59% and below

The classroom schedule of activities.  All students at Phillips Programs have a counselor who works with them at least once a week.  In 207 the students usually see their counselors in the afternoon.  Please notice that the class also has a group counseling session once a week.  The best time to contact staff is in the afternoon after students have gone or through email.   Don't hesitate to call outside those times, staff will do their best to answer the phone or office staff will take a message.

Students work on units in their subjects.  Current units are listed with proposed due dates for long term assignments or unit tests.

Homework is given nightly except on Fridays.  Students are expected to spend about 45 minutes on their homework.  If homework is taking longer than that, parents should contact Ms. Lee.  Students don't always get the same exact homework but they all get the same subject and concept.  Please check the homework chart for the weeks assignments and links that will help students when they have trouble.


The school calendar has changed due to snow make-up days.  The new calendar reflects these days but if we have more snow it will have to be updated.  Stay tuned, but Punxsutawney Phill said spring is coming soon.